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10 Tips to Accelerate Your Swimming Speed Through Technique

by | 14/12/2023 | News

When striving to improve your swimming abilities, it's common to focus on increasing the number of laps you swim each week to build endurance. However, this approach, while beneficial for endurance, may not necessarily enhance your swimming speed. If you're aiming to move swiftly through the water, honing your technique is the ultimate key to success. Here are ten tips to help you achieve just that:

1.Prioritise Balance Balance in the water is the cornerstone of a fast swim. To reduce drag and pick up speed, maintaining proper balance is crucial. Imagine swimming downhill to naturally adjust your weight distribution, with extra pressure on your upper chest to elevate your hips and legs. This minimises frontal drag and propels you forward.

2.Build an Impressive Kick A strong kick is a hallmark of elite swimmers. It improves body position, adds propulsive force, enables powerful hip drive, and provides a finishing boost. Focus on kicking downward rather than backward to minimize knee bending, reduce drag, and increase propulsion.

3.Master Your Pull Your pull is essential for speed. Avoid the low-elbow catch, which hinders your stroke's power. Keep your elbow high throughout your pull, ensuring your forearm, wrist, and hand maintain the right positions. This high-elbow technique maximizes your stroke efficiency.

4.Optimise Your Reach Spending more time with your leading arm extended allows you to "surf" on it, helping you move faster through the water. Use catch-up timing to delay moving your leading arm until your recovering arm catches up, fostering a smooth stroke.

5.Embrace Rotation Proper rotation is a key technique to reduce drag and increase swimming speed. It also facilitates better breathing, minimises the risk of shoulder injuries, creates a longer stroke, and engages your back muscles. Think of front crawl as a stroke swum on your side, and practice the side-kick drill.

6.Time Your Breathing Good breathing technique enhances your overall stroke efficiency and speed. It becomes easier when you've already mastered other techniques. Seek guidance from a coach if you struggle with breathing.

7.Work Your Underwaters Effective dolphin kicking in a streamlined position underwater can significantly boost your speed. Work on your underwater techniques to harness this advantage.

8.Track Your Progress Measure your progress by regularly timing yourself. Setting goals and monitoring your improvements will boost your confidence and ensure you stay on the path to faster swimming.

9.Invest in Quality Gear High-quality swim gear, including sleek swimsuits, snug goggles, and silicone caps, reduces drag and enhances the overall swimming experience. Consider additional equipment like fins, snorkels, and hand paddles to master advanced techniques.

10.Incorporate Dry-Land Training Supplement your pool training with dry-land workouts like yoga or resistance training. This helps you build power and flexibility, contributing to ultra-fast swimming.

Focusing on purposeful and systematic training is essential for improving your swimming speed. Rather than swimming laps mindlessly, concentrate on the drills and techniques outlined above. Measure your progress and make adjustments to your training routine.

With these ten tips in your toolkit, you're well-equipped to embark on your journey towards faster swimming. Though challenges may arise along the way, the results will undoubtedly be worth the effort. Dive into the pool and let your passion for swimming drive you to greater speed and performance!