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Email Disclaimer

This email is sent for and on behalf of SwimExpert Limited (Registered in England and Wales under CRN 07872428; Registered Office: 75 Milford Road, Reading RG1 8LG). The views expressed are not necessarily the views of SwimExpert. Its directors or employees make no representation or accept any liability for its accuracy or completeness unless expressly stated to the contrary.

Under its Information Technology Usage Policy SwimExpert reserves the right to monitor both internal and external e-mails within prescribed legal limits. By reading this notice you will be deemed to have consented to the monitoring of your e-mail and to SwimExpert holding personal data for monitoring purposes.

Confidentiality: This email may contain information which is confidential and/or covered by legal, professional or other privilege (or other rules or laws with similar effect in jurisdictions outside England and Wales). All copyright is reserved. If you have received this email in error, you are not authorised to and must not disclose, copy, distribute, or retain it or any part of it or inform any person or entity of its existence, other than SwimExpert to whom you should immediately forward the email at [email protected].